Sarcoptic Mange Treatment


Homoeopathic Sarcoptic Mange treatment – Arsenicum Alb & Sulphur 30c Purchase securely from visit our secure e-shop

How do we use this treatment?
It’s totally safe and easy to use – Dosage: We recommend that four drops of the treatment should be administered to each fox daily on food and in drinking water. So if you have several foxes visiting cut the sandwiches into 6-9 pieces and put two drops on each small piece, and then scatter them around the area you see the foxes. After roughly three/four weeks of treatment you should notice the fox/es scratching and biting less and eventually you will see the new hair growing back. Once the hair has started to grow back you can stop the treatment.

How long do we use this treatment?
This treatment doesn’t kill the mange mite it only makes the animals skin slightly toxic so it will normally take several weeks to see an improvement, as soon as the animals hair starts to reappear you can stop the treatment. A maximum 4-6 weeks of treatment then several weeks off should be used if the animal requires further treatment.

Does this treatment prevent reinfestation?
As the mite lives in the ground etc anywhere the animal walks it may be susceptible from picking up the mite again

Is it safe for domestic pets?
Yes we have been supplying this treatment for many years to pet owners for their dogs and other animals with great success

The mange treatment that we supply (Arsenicum Alb & Sulphur 30c) is a homoeopathic remedy that has been proven to work against the dreadful condition of Sarcoptic Mange in foxes. Since the remedy is made up of natural ingredients there is no fear of overdosing and nothing to worry about if a non-infected fox or other animal or bird takes the treatment. To avoid the local cat population stealing the treatment meant for the fox, we suggest that it is administered via jam, honey or peanut butter sandwiches; foxes love sweet things – cats don’t! Since foxes are instinctively selfish with their food, if you have more than one fox visiting your property suffering from mange we recommend that the food is scattered rather than placing it in one spot. This will then ensure that more than one fox feeding at the same time can do so without having to be nose to nose with each other.

Purchase Sarcoptic Mange Treatment

Derbyshire Fox Rescue | Chesterfield UK | | | +44 01246 850850


16 thoughts on “Sarcoptic Mange Treatment

  1. Is it possible to give worming treatment to foxes. I found one of the 4 month old cubs dead yesterday and someone suggested we should and worming treatment. We have already treated them for mange

  2. Hi, I saw a fox that shows signs that it could have mange , I think that looks like the first stage, the tail lost some of its fur and she kept scratching herself. I bought the mange drops treatment on your website today and says 4 drops daily, but the problem is that the fox doesn’t stay in my backyard but it is where I work and I am only there twice a week. Will the medicine still work if it is only given twice a week? Any tips to help me ? I would love to be able to help the fox, it is a cub from this summer , its mother had two other cubs as well. Also the other foxes from the same family will be eating the food as well, is this safe for them? I also leave them some water in a clean plant pot dish. Should I put the medicine in the water and in the food as well? Thanks

  3. Is it possible to get some more mange drops from you Arsenicum & Sulpher 30c as it worked really well last year for the foxes are now mange-free.

    Note some of your comments on this site about dead cubs….is it worms or lack of food?

  4. Hi, I bought your sarcoptic mange remedy for foxes in my area who have mange.
    My problem is that I thought the bottle would have an eye dropper kind of thing, as it is, with the plaster stopper with a hole in it I have no idea how much remedy I put on the food. I know they can’t overdose but I couldn’t tell if I put enough either. An eye dropper would be very useful on these bottles. Julie

  5. I have two visiting foxes suffering from mange, one with considerable fur loss. I have been treating with homeopathic medication with limited success although it has previously worked well with other foxes. Is there stronger medication I can obtain e.g. Bravecto? I have contacted my vet but they will not prescribe for wildlife. I am able to target feed the foxes in question. I can provide photos if required.

      • Hi, what is the remedy you suggested, please. I have 2 sibling cubs with severe mange, have treated them with arsenicum and sulphur 30c for 3 weeks and their condition appears to be even worse.

        • 3 weeks isn’t long enough, its not unusual to treat for up to 6 weeks dependent on severity – please contact us directly by email or call, cheers

  6. Hello. I am wondering if the sarcoptic mange has a use by date. I bought a bottle a couple of years ago. I know have another fox with mange visiting my garden and wonder is my bottle still effective or do I need to purchase another?

    • Hi Jessica, if kept in a cool dark place it should last for years, use what you have and then contact us when you need another bottle, cheers

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